Vegetables Love Flowers: Planting for Beauty and Bounty

Vegetables Love Flowers by Lisa Mason Zeigler is the best guide to an organic bounty of flowers and vegetables!

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Adding flowers to your vegetable garden will improve its biodiversity, enhance pollination, and increase the number of beneficial pest-eating insects.

Companion Planting

Companion plants are those that complement each other’s growth and production. Sounds perfect.

But companion planting with vegetables and flowers can be more complex than it sounds.

You’ll be able to follow the timetables, tips, and planting schedules outlined in Vegetables Love Flowers.

Lisa will show you how to keep the flowers blooming and the pollinators buzzing.

Your vegetables will produce more fruit than ever. An added bonus is all the beautiful cut flowers you’ll love all growing season!

Gorgeous photos in this book!

You’ll enjoy all of the gorgeous photos from Lisa’s garden.

I’ve read this book and will keep it forever as my guide to planting vegetables and flowers.

But I also keep it around to flip through occasionally to enjoy the photos! Especially the flowers. : )

Stumbling onto the power of flowers

Read Lisa Mason Ziegler’s excerpt describing how she learned the power of flowers in her garden.

“The best dose of medicine my gardens ever received were flowers. Looking back, it was a perfect storm of circumstances that unfolded and ushered me into flower farming: my beginner’s success growing vegetables, the light-bulb moment on how nature could help my garden, and those stacks of empty bags. And all the while, I was putting my dream into reality—growing flowers as my chosen work.

I launched into growing cut flowers to sell in 1998 and was met with the same growing success as I had had with vegetables. Everything I planted grew like mad. At first I added a bed or two of flowers within our large vegetable gardens, and then as the demand and my business grew, I became a full-time urban flower farmer. During this time, my gardens grew from two ¼-acre gardens to also include an additional 1-acre garden.

It didn’t take long for my gardens to start filling up with some obvious good things beyond the flowers I was now planting. As soon as the blooms began, it seemed that butterflies, bees, and birds were everywhere. There among the flowers were creatures buzzing and flitting around just like you imagine nature at its best.

I grew zinnias, sunflowers, snapdragons, sweet peas, and other popular cut flowers. They were much more than just pretty faces—they provided food and habitat for beneficials. While there are flowers that are especially attractive to specific groups of beneficial insects, the bottom line is just to grow flowers—any flowers!”

Summing it up

Learn how to plant vegetables and flowers together to create a healthy, bountiful garden in Vegetables Love Flowers.

You can enjoy organic vegetables, with the bonus of cutting the most fresh and beautiful flowers to share with friends & family.

Not much is better than that.

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